Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 5 of My Beachbody Ultimate Reset


Today, I had my first migraine since I started my Beachbody Ultimate Reset. They can be caused by stress (both good and bad stress). Starting a new endeavor, such as the Reset, can be stressful, so it's no surprise that I got the migraine. Also, the fact that I made it to the weekend without killing anyone, may have caused some elation, and, in turn, good stress. I took some ibuprofen and drank some more water.

In other news, this may not be new news to you, but I haven't been doing this for long: since there is so much fresh produce required for my Reset, I've taken to snipping the ends of leafy produce, as well as green onions, celery, and asparagus, and sticking them in a glass of water like a bouquet of flowers. This usually plumps them right back up!

All my food during the day, including breakfast farina with walnuts, green apples, and a whole tablespoon of maple syrup deserves an A+ for deliciousness!

For lunch, I had zucchini cashew soup, and while the water was heating up to prepare to make the soup, I was eating my veggie plate with my delicious homemade hummus. A few hours later, I had a banana-peanut butter Tropical Strawberry Shakeology shake for my snack. I was so used to drinking Shakeology everyday before my Reset, and I miss it a little now. It's nice that I can have it for a snack!

For dinner tonight, I had Southwestern Veggie Taco. It was delicious!!! This will definitely be a recipe I will be using after my Reset.

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