Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning with the Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Spring Cleaning Detoxing

Earlier in the month I talked about detoxing, & the reasons that you might do a good cleansing. The human body has a way of adapting to what we eat & what we do to/for it. That's probably why a lot of people are able to eat processed foods much of their lives & still be able to function. But, why settle w/ merely functioning in life? I want to live life to the fullest! I want to be around for my grand kids & great grand kids! I want to travel the world! What is your health worth to you?

If you feel like you are struggling in life; struggling w/ your health, perhaps what you have been eating (& what is possibly still lurking from your past food intake) is affecting you more than you think! Recently, in my cell biology class, we learned about how diet & exercise can affect our body on a microscopic level! The foods that we eat can affect the bacteria in our body, which can affect our mood, diseases we may contract, and many other aspects. Exercise can actually affect the folding of proteins, that can, in turn, affect your risk for diabetes & cancer. For exercise, I am currently doing P90X3, and aim to work out every day until I'm finished with the 90-day program.

Clean eating is an awesome first step toward taking your health back, but sometimes our body needs an extra assist in the cleaning out department. Recently, I've reached a plateau in my weight loss, &I know that I haven't been taking care of my body the way I should be. My back injury put me off a bit, & I've also been getting more migraines lately, as well. I know many people who have had success with the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, so, in the near future I hope to renew my health. This month, March 2014, Beachbody's Ultimate Reset challenge pack is on sale!

Check out this video, and read on about the Beachbody Ultimate Reset and what it can do for you!

What is the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™?

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a complete, three phase, 21-day program that provides everything you need to:

•Phase 1: Reclaim your body's natural balance.
•Phase 2: Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you.
•Phase 3: Restore your system to its maximum health.

What are the benefits of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

In just 21 days, the Ultimate Reset can help you gently restore your body to its original factory settings," to help you:

•Have more energy and greater focus
•Experience better digestion and a more positive mood
•Enable your body to function more efficiently
•Lose weight
•Improve your overall health

What the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is NOT:

•A starvation diet. (You'll eat three filling, healthy meals every day.)
•An abrupt cleanse that's hard on the body. (The supplements work together
gradually to gently shift your body's internal settings.)
•A laxative-based, colon-focused cleanse, which fails to truly detoxify the whole body. (You won't be running to the bathroom every hour!)

What's included in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

Six Essential Supplements:

The Ultimate Reset Nutritionals are uniquely formulated to help restore your body to optimal health.

•Alkalinize–Helps maintain alkalinity.
•Oxygenize–Helps provide supplemental oxygen to the body.
•Mineralize–Adds natural minerals needed by the body.
•Detox–Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.
•Revitalize–Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.
•Optimize–Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions.

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