Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Food Relationship

Food, What Kind of Relationship Do You Have w/ It?

If you’re like me, occasionally you struggle with a slight (or maybe not so slight) obsession with food. Today, as we’re beginning, or continuing this journey to gaining a healthier relationship with food, think about what foods you struggle with the most.

I want you to write down your goals that you want to achieve during this month, and beyond, then tell a friend or comment.

Then, ask yourself if the food you struggle with satisfies your appetite or stimulates it. If the food is to relieve stress or reward yourself, I love this saying I saw recently: You’re not a dog, so don’t reward yourself like one!

Find other ways that you can relieve stress or reward yourself. Write those down on a sticky note, and put them where you’ll be able to see them when you’re stressed, or put them where your reward stash is (& will hopefully not be any longer). What you wrote down should be strong enough rewards that you can break that bad habit of using food in an unhealthy way.

From: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/

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